Returns & Exchanges Policy

Can I cancel my order?
Yes, you can cancel your order within 24 hours after placing it. Please contact our customer service immediately if you need to do so.
What is your return policy?
For US customers, we offer a 60-day return policy from the date of purchase. For International customers, we offer a 30-day return policy. Please ensure that the item is in the same condition as when it was received, with all tags still attached.
Are there any fees associated with returns or refunds?
No, there are no additional fees. We believe in 100% customer satisfaction, and we aim to make the process as easy and seamless as possible for you.
How long does it take to process a return and receive my refund?
Once we receive your returned item, it may take up to 5 business days to process. After we’ve processed your return, you’ll receive a refund to your original payment method. It can take 1-3 business days for your refund to reflect on your account statement.
What should I do if I received a defective or incorrect item?
If you received a defective or incorrect item, please contact our customer service team immediately. We will arrange for the item to be returned at our cost, and we will replace it or issue a full refund according to your preference.
How should I prepare my item for a return?
For returning an item, ensure it is in its original condition, unused, and with all the tags intact. Place it in the original packaging if possible and include any related accessories or documentation.
What if I want to exchange an item?
We are happy to help you exchange your purchase. If you are within the return window and your item is in its original condition, you can initiate an exchange by contacting our customer service.
What if my refund doesn’t reflect in my account?
If your refund doesn’t reflect in your account after the stated 1-3 business days post-processing, kindly contact your bank. If the issue persists, feel free to get in touch with our customer service team who will gladly assist you.

If you have any inquiries regarding cancellations or any of our other policies please contact us here or send an email to [email protected]. You will get a reply within 24 hours from Monday to Friday.